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Somatic Yoga Flow




There are many approaches to yoga and many interpretations about what exactly it is. For me, yoga is about re-connecting to this mysterious life-process through enquiry and deep inner listening. My practice and teaching has a focus on awakening the senses in our natural environments, and exploring our internal experience through posture and movement and somatic awareness or 'felt-sense'. 


I work with a somatic approach to encourage an organic exploration into our embodied experience. Synchronising breath and movement (vinyasa), I guide students from external alignment to the awareness of internal space and greater freedom.


Yoga is for everyone. It's not about how bendy you are, or how it looks... but how it FEELS on the inside! Mindful movement and deep relaxation allow us to wake up parts of ourselves that may have been disconnected, injured or ignored. This brings us into greater harmony where we can feel more stable and at ease in our bodies, minds and hearts.



yoga blanche mulholland
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